Living in Faith Together
We hope and pray you are doing well as the new school year is underway, along with all of the new schedules, routines, and opportunities that accompany this season.
As many of you know, the pastoral leadership of Gethsemane, Our Savior's, and Messiah have been prayerfully preparing to launch a new, collaborative, faith formation program this fall.
Who is L.i.f.T. for?
4th - 6th grades a Youth Group focused on growing our faith together through relationships, fun, and time together.
We have leaders and mentors who will be heading up this group and we are confident this will be a great way to invite our younger students into the rhythm of Wednesday evening church.
7th and 8th Grades (and some 9th graders) Confirmation.
As we get L.I.F.T. off the ground we will have some 9th graders who are finishing confirmation the next couple years, but ultimately confirmation will be a two year program for those in 7th and 8th grades.
9th - 12th Grades a senior high Youth Group for those that have been confirmed and wish to continue to meet, deepen their faith and take on some leadership within L.I.FT.
This year's curriculum will be based around three themes that will nurture students in their Lutheran heritage, expose them to new ways of living their faith, and root them in relationship with God, one another, and caring adults.
Prayer Theology
Service -The pastoral leadership will take turns being the primary teacher for each theme.
- During Advent and Lent, confirmation students will have opportunities for leadership and/or involvement in their home congregations.
How will we communicate about L.I.FT.?
Communication will happen in a variety of ways:
Primarily, we will use a free app called TeamReach to send updates, texts, and schedule reminders to students and adults.
*Parents/Guardians/Mentors & Students can be included in this thread! ·
- Download App : TeamReach
- Group Name: L.I.FT. 2024-2025
- Group Code: Faith Formation2425
Church newsletters & bulletins: We are working to ensure that the same information goes out to all three congregations at the same time.
Church Facebook pages
(schedule is listed below)
How do I register?
Your pastor will send this letter via email as well with a link to a Google Form that will include all of the basic registration information (allergy info, emergency contact, photo release, etc) - as we will be shifting sites throughout the year, we want to make sure we can access this information easily wherever we are.
The Registration link is here: https://forms.gie/ztEew2p8p16SDB7j8
Please reach out with any questions you may have - we look forward to seeing you all!
God's Peace,
Pastor Laura Mills Anderson
Messiah Lutheran Church
Pastor Liz Cheney
Our Savior's Lutheran Church
Pastor Marion Rova
Gethsemane Lutheran Church
See Schedule Below